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Makan Upil Baik Untuk Kesehatan Gigi

1 Mei 2017 15:25 WITA

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KESEHATAN – Saran itu datang dari periset di Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Menurut riset yang mereka gelar, upil mengandung lendir saliva yang bisa memberi proteksi pada gigi dari bakteri penyebab gigi berlubang.

“Saya sangat antusias dengan lendir ini katena bisa membantu kita menemukan strategi baru dalam perlindungan dari infeksi, terutama yang berkaitan dengan pertumbuhan mikroba berbahaya yang berlebihan,” ujar salah satu peneliti, Katharina Ribbeck, dalam keterangannya, dikutip dari eurekalert.

Terinspirasi dari lendir ini, peneliti lantas mengembangkan lendir sintetis yang ke depannya bisa dimasukkan ke dalam permen karet atau pasta gigi.

Pada 2015 lalu, Ribbeck juga pernah menyebutkan ada potensi antibiotik dalam lendir dari hidung. Disebutkan juga adanya bukti bahwa lendir tersebut bisa membantu mencegah infeksi saluran pernapasan, sakit mag dan bahkan HIV. Sehingga ke depannya, menurut dia, sangat penting untuk mengembangkan lendir sintetisnya.

Sebenarnya hal ini bukan hal baru. Dikutip dari Huffington Post, Scott Napper, seorang profesor biokimia di University of Saskatchewan di Kanada, sebelumnya mengatakan kepada CTV News bahwa dia percaya memakan upil bisa meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh.

Sementara dikutip dari Men’s Health, Friedrich Bischinger, seorang spesialis paru-paru dari Austria, juga telah menyarankan untuk memakan upil. Alasannya sama, untuk meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh.

“Hidung adalah filter di mana banyak bakteri berkumpul, dan saat campuran ini tiba di usus, ia bekerja seperti obat,” kata Bischinger. Menurut dia, orang yang makan upil dan ingus tak hanya lebih sehat, tetapi juga bisa lebih bahagia.

Namun demikian sebuah studi di Belanda pada 2006 menunjukkan bahwa orang yang gemar ngupil memiliki lebih banyak bakteri Staphylococcus yang menyebabkan infeksi Staph. Selain itu mengupil dalam kondisi tertentu, misalnya saat upil sulit diambil, bisa membuat yang bersangkutan mengeluarkan air mata. Jika aktivitas mengupil berujung luka, maka tetap saja bisa meningkatkan risiko infeksi. (Dtk/Rez)



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4 Important Ways That You Can Cooperate with Your NYC Car Accident Lawyer

9 Agustus 2022 - 02:38 WITA

4 Important Ways That You Can Cooperate with Your NYC Car Accident Lawyer While an auto accident may not seem like the end of the world, it is a situation that can get messy. There's no reason why you have to navigate the situation on your own. Choosing to retain the services of a NYC car accident lawyer will make it easier to figure out what needs to be done. Here are some of the things you can do to ensure your lawyer is in a position to provide the greatest amount of help. Tell All Without Reservation From the moment that the initial consultation begins to the resolution of the event, it's important that you share everything that you know with your legal counsel. No matter how insignificant something may seem to you, tell the lawyer anyway. What seems like nothing to you could turn out to be important to the case. This applies to any details that you may find embarrassing. Your legal counsel is there to help you in any way that the law allows, not pass moral judgments. If what you share is not needed to pursue the case, then it will remain strictly between you and your legal counsel. If it is important to the case, rest assured it will be utilized with as much discretion as possible. Ask Questions When You Don't Understand Something Your lawyer does not expect you to be a legal scholar. The whole reason that you are seeking legal help is because you are not sure what should be done and which laws apply. For this reason, your lawyer is not going to be upset if you have questions. Go ahead and ask about anything that comes to your mind. The lawyer will break things down in a way that you can relate to and understand. This will help you to see why the lawyer is recommending a certain approach to the case, and what it would mean to the anticipated outcome. Follow the Advice Given There's a good chance that your NYC car accident lawyer will have some advice for you. It may have to do with who you speak with about the accident, where you go while the case is pending, and a number of other actions. Each piece of advice is intended to protect the integrity of the case and ensure that there are no distractions that might aid the opposing counsel. For this reason, take whatever your lawyer suggests to heart. To the best of your ability, follow that advice. If something happens and you find yourself in an awkward position, let your lawyer know immediately. Let Your Lawyer Do the Talking When it comes to communications with the opposing party, everything must go through your lawyer. Even what seems to be innocuous attempts to communicate should be shut down at once. All you have to provide is the contact information for your legal counsel. The point is to avoid saying anything that may be interpreted in more than one way. By refusing to respond to everything from inquiries about how you are feeling to questions about the accident itself, the odds of providing the other party with something they can use to shift responsibility to your shoulders is eliminated. Remember that your lawyer is there to protect your interests. Make sure that everything you do supports that effort. Doing so will improve the odds for successfully reaching an equitable outcome.

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